March 6th-21st, 2021 Individual Player ($25) Teams ($100)
Students are $10 and join us today as a Sustaining Members (here) and play free!
Cash and Gift Prizes in a variety of categories!
Teams: can be up to 6 people (not counting children under 10). Your team can be your pod/family, so you can search for the questions together OR you can coordinate with others, divide up the questions, and work together while following the current health order guidelines.

Click here to complete your Registration to join the FUN!
This 15-day event will get us outside to learn more about the magnificent Mendocino coast, grey whales, migration, citizen science, and all we do at the Noyo Center Center for Marine Science.
Scavenger Hunt Games Rules ENGLISH
Scavenger Hunt Games Rules SPANISH (coming soon)
Waiver and Photo Release for review.
For more information contact info@nc.mymcn.org or visit us at the Discovery Center Friday-Sunday 11 am – 5 pm, 338 N. Main St., Fort Bragg, CA.